From total chaos to some kind of understanding could describe my journey! In one of my previous posts I compared the course with a ride an a Roller Coaster. It certainly has been Roller Coaster, Merry Go Round and even Ghost Train during the course!

I have learned a lot and some times it has been hard to keep up. I have learned a lot of new things – tools I didn’t know exist and I’m looking forward to use some of them in my practice further on. I also got a larger understanding for my students with all deadlines and meetings in PBL group – I can understand that students sometimes feel they don’t have the time!
Kay Oddone 220419 means that teachers need to have own experience as learner before you can turn it into the students, which I think we’ve been doing during this ONL course. We have collaborate on a new way, at least for me, and without this experience I think it would be hard, or maybe even impossible, to use collaborative learning in my own teaching.
To speak English has been a challenge for me, it’s hard to find words and lot of the terminology has been new for me. But I’ve managed it and next time it will be easier!
I have been very careful to keep my privat and professional life apart, so even my digital presence. But after this course I think I might chance my point of view slightly, and I even feel more comfortable using different digital tools. Writing the blog has been interesting and maybe I will continue blogging – I just don’t know how or for whom? Would it be different if I were researcher and producing articles and other knowledge? Maybe, right at this moment I feel uncertain what I have to contribute about teaching, learning or knowledge… But using blog as reflection forum has been great and I probably will use it for my students in form om reflection diary in the future.
The biggest challenge for me has been to contribute because of my lack of experience in teaching, I think the ONL course would have given me more if I had been teacher for a longer time than my eight months in the end of this course. But I like the idea and I probably will take the course again later on.
Oddone, K. (2022). ONL221 webinair 19th April 2022