Take aways…

One insight after practically attending the ONL course is who important it is to spend time to try to get a shared understanding of the scenario or the topic to investigate. If the group does not have a shared understanding, it is easy to either try to cover too much – try to do or learn everything – or you will be to wide and get a hard time to focus. So focus on focus…

It also require preperation. Both in leading the meeting – using different collaborative tools such as liberating structures (that you might need to adjust to the on-line space) – and to read some af the literature to be able to have informed conversations. Why? It helps be ing focused and to get to a shared understanding of the groups work together to up coming weeks.

Influence on my own learning?

The ONL course is not only about ONL, it is practicing ONL. That have been an experiece that have influenced me not only in my thinking, but also in my doing. I have noticed that I am thinking about inclusiveness when both designing online meetings AND in learning situations in education (online and physical). Online learning and blended learning (if I here include physical meetings) are here to stay! The opportunities that are enabled with online learning is remarkable – so I will think more how to design learning that includes collaboration in a blended way.

How to develop eLearning further?

For me it is just by doing it! It is so easy to think about what I will do… rather then just do it! Go from knowing to doing is one way, but in this case I think – especially if someone is insecure – they need to do first and the knowing comes during the experience of practicing. But it is important to also have an non-cognitive support. I mean someone that supports you in your doing, encourage you, and will be there to help with the tool you use.

This was a fun and good experience – ONL222 – both in doing and learning. It gave me an understanding of what is important viewing from the participants perspective of an online learning course.

Leading collaborative and co-creating processes

woman placing sticky notes on wall

”Collaboration – for what? I can do this better on my own…” I think WHAT to learn and the PURPOSE drives the HOW to learn. In the learning process there must be different ways of learning – the content need to be prepared or to seek on my own, sometimes I need to discuss with others. Reading a book for instance… I can read it and reflect, but understand the content in a deeper way, get different perspectives and listen to a various experiences require other people. In a bigger context, I think collaboration in a various of ways support most learning outcome we seek for. Even if it is, like in leadership development, a more personal end result or outcome of learning: eg. how to lead others, organize for professional learning, use communicative strategies, cope group processes, develop cooperation processes, to lead school improvement, how to make decisions, take responsibility and handle legal issues. All of these – put in a reality – is better developed when working, exploring, practicing, together with others – even if some parts of it, the learner needs todo some work alone, reflect, write, present, etc. Although – in a world that is getting more complicated and complex, true solutions, innovations and learning is found ”in the bigger picture of our collective intelligence” (The Art of Hosting, 2017).

From ? to !

The Art of Hosting explains the process in three phases that involve to explore, co-create and innovate:

In entering into an inquiry or multi-stakeholder conversation we operate with three different phases in the process – divergence, emergence, and convergence. Each of these phases is different and it is important for a host to know where we are in the process – and what is needed in each phase. The three phases of divergence, emergence  and convergence are three different complementary ways of thinking and working. They can also be seen as the three phases of breathing: in-breath (lungs expanding/diverging); pause; out-breath (lungs contracting/converging). The “breath” of divergence and convergence—of breathing in and breathing out—is at the heart of designing process. Every process goes through several such breathing cycles. 

The convergent phase is goal- oriented and focused, linear, structured and usually subject to time constraints. It is focused on getting results and may require quick decisions. Convergent thinking means evaluating alternatives, summarizing key points, sorting ideas into categories and arriving at general conclusions. 

In the divergent phase, there is as yet no clear goal. This is a “goal-seeking” phase where a clear, shared purpose gives the collective direction. A key driver in this phase is asking the right questions. If you close the divergent phase too soon, the level of newness or innovation will be less. Ideally a group will stay in inquiry in the divergent phase until a new shared and agreed solution or goal is seen by everyone. Divergent thinking typically generates alternatives, has free-for-all open discussion, gathers diverse points of view and unpacks the problem. The divergent phase is non-linear and needs “chaos time.” It is process-oriented and needs prolonged decision time. 

The emergent phase, between the divergent and convergent, is fondly known as the ‘groan zone.’ It is the phase where different ideas and needs are integrated. It may require us to stretch our own understanding to hold and include other points of view. We call it the groan zone because it may feel messy — an uncomfortable stretch — but it is also the phase where the new solution emerges (The Art of Hosting Workbook, 2017).

All of this, in a co-creating process, also leave an individual harvest of learning and doing. To create such a learning opportunity described by AoH is much about mindset of both participant and facilitator – where the learning and doing is in focus. To sum up:

GeneratingEvaluating alternatives
Free-for-all open discussionSummarizing key points
Gathering diverse points of viewSorting ideas into categories
Unpacking the logic of a problemArriving at general conclusions
selective focal photo of crayons in yellow box

Learning that engage

Collaborative and co-creating ways of teaching and learning also makes the learning more engaged in participative activities, giving more time to student-student and student-teacher interactions. Principals for liberating structures are (https://www.liberatingstructures.com/principles):

  1. Include and Unleash Everyone
  2. Practice Deep Respect for People and Local Solutions
  3. Build Trust As You Go
  4. Learn by Failing Forward
  5. Practice Self-Discovery Within a Group
  6. Amplify Freedom AND Responsibility
  7. Emphasize Possibilities: Believe Before You See
  8. Invite Creative Destruction To Enable Innovation
  9. Engage In Seriously-Playful Curiosity
  10. Never Start Without Clear Purpose

The 10 principles in action: 

In the link you will find more information:


  • These principles can be used when designing a course, a specific class or why not your own lecture (to make the lecture more including, unleashing the students’ experiences and knowledge, create a clear purpose, stop and discover and to move forward). 
  • Make the learning open and end with both a collective harvest and an individual one. That is – what did we/I learn, what was the solution to our problem or the answers to our questions.
brown wooden blocks on white surface

A practical example

From the ten principles, be sure of what the purpose is with the “lecture”, that you want to include and unleash the participants, have a deep respect of their own experiences, how you will provide or prepare input of knowledge or for the participants to seek for answers, etc.

  1. Invite – what are the key questions or topics to explore: Eg. Identify the problem/s. What are the relevant theories or principles? What opportunities do you see to move forward?
  2. Arrange the space and time: materials, groups, time, etc.

Below are some of liberating structures in practice http://www.liberatingstructures.com/ls-menu/

Myth turns:

What is a belief or an assumption that has shaped or guided you, but that you are starting to question, maybe a false notion or may be holding you back? Myth Turning can be helpful when searching for ways to come together again. It can also help with making sense of the problem you’re facing. Be aware of thoughts and views.

Crucial uncertainties:

Possible scenarios when things go right or wrong.

Nine whys:

Why is this problem relevant to you or to stakeholders?


Participants think of a situation…

Discover and dialogue:

How do you know when the problem is present?

How can you contribute to solving the problem?

What hinders you from acting?

Input and seek answers:

Could be that the teacher contributes with input or students, with guidance of the teacher, seek answers elsewhere.

What, So what, Now what:

Encourage sensemaking by exploring the challenge in a structured way with What, So What, Now What. Step 1: “What have you seen, heard or observed?”, “What did you notice? What facts stood out the most?”. Step 2: “So, what do these observations mean to you?”, “What seems to be important?”, “What patterns and conclusions are emerging?” Step 3: “Now what actions make sense? What is a good next step? Do this individual, pair and in the whore group as in 1-2-(4)-ALL…

The teacher’s or facilitator’s role

In these kind of learning- and collaborating practices, the teacher does not need to have all the knowledge or answers, but is more the ever before important for the learning and the learner. The teacher leverages on other people’s knowledge to solve problems and create new knowledge for everybody through collaborative learning (Margret Wheatley, AoH, 2017).  The teacher must make the group task relevant for the learner and establish a healthy balance between structure (clarity of task) and learner autonomy (flexibility of task). The teacher must monitor group activities actively and closely.

Also, sometimes a teacher need to lecture – but not necessary in an old traditional way – even though that also has its values (mostly regarding the time frame – to present information quickly). The word lecture comes from a Latin word meaning ”to read”. It dates back to when it was difficult to print books. The only way to spread knowledge was to ”lecture” – to read to others. This form of teaching is still common, but not always so effective.

Instead, the teachers role should instead be to ask questions and let people together find the answers with of course guidance by the teacher (http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/tomorrows-college/lectures/transcript.html).

But when the learners don’t have enough knowledge to know what to look for and asess what’s important? Of course the teacher can’t leave students alone. The main point is to make the learner more active in the learning process. One way is the so-called flipped classroom, where students come prepared and the ”lecture” is replaced with asking questions, finding out answers together, conversations, etc. http://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/tomorrows-college/lectures/. But there are other ways to make a lecture more interactive. Jennifer Gonzalez pod ”Cult of pedagogy” gives a few pwerspectives on lectures and how to make them better by using lectures with intention https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/better-lecture/ (listen to the the pod – or read it).

However – people usually go down the easiest road. People take mental shortcuts to avoid thinking (Katz & Ain Dack, 2017). So the teacher needs to address barriers that hinders learning and students need to understand the learning process. Here is also an important issue to adress as a teacher – eg. rules and online culture, how to build a community, how the students can succeed in the learning, support in how to learn, follow up, be present (Kay, 2022).

Frustration in collaboration on-line

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands

A study focusing on online learning frustration showed that the perception of an asymmetric collaboration among the teammates was identified by the students as the most important source of frustration (Capdeferro & Romero, 2012). Online learners also identified difficulties related to ”group organization, the lack of shared goals among the team members, the imbalance in the level of commitment and quality of the individual contributions, the excess time spent on the online tasks, the imbalance between the individual and collective grades, and difficulties in communication, among other factors leading to frustration” (Capdeferro & Romero, 2012). They suggest that institutions may supply learning environments that facilitate social interaction and collaboration and assure effective support to students with technological difficulties.

Following aspects are a few on what a teacher could take responsibility for and know how to do:

  • Be a learner designer and somewhat a technology specialist
  • Sharing knowledge regarding to the learning purpose
  • Instruct, guide and be a part of answering questions about the learning process
  • Be a content coach
  • Awakening students´ interest – be a motivator and a role model
  • Be a co-learner and effective communicator also about social issues
  • Also be good at managing correspondents with students

This might also be summarized in that a teacher takes a cognitive role, affective role and a managerial role, meaning to communicate, give feedback, be a guide to learning and also to give some boundaries (Huang, 2018).

The nest question is to go from the frame and method to make it work also in an on-line environment. That is the focus on Topic 4.


assorted-title book lot on shelf

Art of Hosting. https://artofhosting.org/

Capdeferro, N. & Romero, M. (2012). Are online learners frustrated with collaborative learning experiences?. The International review of research in open and distance learning, 13(2), 26-44.

Gonzales, Jennifer. Cult of Pedagogy. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/

Fink, D and Ganus, M. ‘Designing Significant Learning Experiences’. https://cpb-use1.wpmucdn.com/sites.uw.edu/dist/9/92/files/2019/06/AAG_AspiringAcademics.pdf#page=97

Huang, Q. (2018). Examining Teachers’ Roles in Online Learning. The EUROCALL Review,Volume 26, No. 2, September 2018.

Katz, S. & Ain Dack, L. (2013). Intentional interruption. Breaking down learning barriers to transform professional practice. Corwin Press.

Kay, Robin. Thriving Online in Higher Education. (seminar in ONL222, 2022-11-22).

Liberating structures – For 30+ more examples: https://www.liberatingstructures.com/ls-menu/ (see Appendix)

Wheatley, Margreth (in The Art of Hosting Workbook, 2017)

Other resources:


Openness, wisdom and nature

green-leafed plant on opened window

In the hunt for knowledge, man has lost its relation to the surroundings. Our relation to other people, nature or surroundings is possible because we are a sentient being. Thru our perception are we able to be open and receptive for the new, foreign and sometimes scary. We can chose to look at our nature 1) thru the perspective of man – and then we reduce it to just a surrounding , or 2) thru the perspective of nature – and then we make nature our origin (Melin, 2008).

The western world is influenced by Kants view of knowledge and the way to relate to reality (Särdquist, 2010). He is influenced by both rationalism and empirism. That means knowledge is based on empiri and reason, and thereby reject our important ability to sense. Left is just our observation and a distance to our selves and the world (nature, people, etc).

The consequence is that the norm of knowledge is that we premieres/honors a knowledge that separates us as human beings from our world and our selves. “More and better” (knowledge, products) have replaces “Values and prosperity” (Gorz, 2010).

In this perspective – the need for education to focus on openness, social integration and democracy is crucial. Philosophy is “a friend of wisdom” (greak) and is a way of study elemental questions. So why openness in education is important is not just about techniques or formality, it is about our existence and how we view us as human beings – are we machines who just process information or spiritual beings who seek for wisdom?

Where is the Life we have lost in living? 
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? 
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?

T.S Eliot (from The Rock, 1934)

In relation to ONL… I think we should focus on why education need to be open and inclusive and what that means to how we teach and design learning opportunities. It invites us to think and work together and share with others to be a part of a way of viewing and living Life – and what the purposes of education really is or could be. But what are the values behind this perspective on education? I agree with Weller (2014) that all people involved in education must adress what openness is and to be a part of the discussion, to prevent others decide it on our behalf. He also suggest that openness is such “a part of everyday life that is seem unworthy of comment” (p. 2). However… lots of water have flowed under the bridge since 2014. It is not about openness per se, but on why, what and how to share, participate and focus on values – such as the way we view us as human beings, democracy, co-creating and how to be a part of shaping and creating future possibilities – opportunities – and the realisation of them – not only for my self, but for others and for the community as a whole.

We should dare to invite the nature in again to our life and not just observe it and think we are the masters of the world, but its servants. What will that do to our view on learning and what kind of knowledge that is important now and in the future?

man standing on rock


Gorz, A. (2010). The immaterial: knowledge, value and capital. London: Seagull.

Melin, A. (2008). K.E. Løgstrups kosmofenomenologi som en utgångspunkt för kristen miljöpteknik. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 84(2008), 157-166. 

Särdquist, E. (2010). Kunskapens yttersta kant: Gud och det givna i K.E. Løgstrups Metafysik. Skellefteå: Artos & Norma Bokförlag.

Weller, M. (2014). Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory. London: Ubiquity Press.

Go from “me” to “you” to “us”

black and white come in we're open signage pinned on white bicycle with brown wicker basket at daytime

This is just a short reflection in progress… Sharing some thoughts that are floating at the moment about the idea of openness and socially inclusive education and learning. The need to have tools and frameworks that promote cooperation/co-producing, one’s voice to be heard, etc. is crucial. But it is more about the attitude of the educator that needs to be thought about. Our awareness and attitude shape how we design and carry out education (in classes or on-line). What worldview (values, beliefs, assumptions, ideas) are behind the willingness or need in education to be open and socially integrated? An educator needs to reflect upon this and how that shapes the learning design and interaction with participants/students. We might take education to be open and inclusive for granted. When focus shifts from the educator to the learner and co-creation – something happens in what we do and how we use time and space. When we go from “me” to “you” to “us”. Below some links and tools:

To be continued…

Topic 1 reflection – how to be active?

We have in our PBL-group chosen to investigate how to become more active on social media and/or in online learning – to be more residential.

I have sent out on Twitter in the #ONL222 community and another # community about how to get started and become more active on social media – be more resident – about contributing to discussions, learning, etc. #residentONL

With that, I have also tried to be more active… so – I will see how that goes. Learning by doing – right!?

My experience from earlier being on Twitter is that it takes a lot of time to get response. If any… If you don’t have a schedule tweetchat. Then there is more action. And that’s my point… it takes time, maybe need to schedule and what do I get out of it? Well, it might vary.

It’s bothering me – that, all the time, I want to check if someone has answered. It is my curiosity… I need discipline – not to get stuck waiting for answers… Have you also found yourself just starring at the Tweetdeck? Like with other things that can distract you from being focused on your work, a task, etc. Set aside some time for it or just ignore it – what’s the point anyway if no one respond to you? Chose a “shallow time” to check and answer, etc. For med that is in the afternoon. But how does that work if you are connected with people around the world? Do all of the responses or discussions contribute to what my questions are, my purpose and my learning? But anyhow, I spend a lot of time reading if there would be something interesting there. If anyone reads this reflection – can you share your experience on how to become more “resident” on social media and/or on open learning platforms? #residentONL

Where am I… in the digital space?

Apparently I am a user of digital tools and social media, but there seem to be a focus on using them in my work or learning (both professional and personal). After watching the videos and attending todays webinar my view is that I like using digital tools, but that I am not so frequent in being a “resident” on social media. How is that? Is it because I am not a “digital native” or that I don’t have time to be there or is it because there are not that much to gain in contrast to the time spend to reside on social media? It could be all that or other things too. What is the purpose for me using social media? I think being connective to others must have a purpose. Maybe thats why I am more a resident in my work. Actually I would like to be more of a resident in my work. But I also think being present and connected – not always need to be being “on-line” – finding time to be in nature is also important. Are we losing something when being connected to things or others thru a divice make us loose connection to our self or nature? Are we becoming less empathic when things, social media or apps are mor important than spending time in nature or with family and friends – face to face without a screen in between us? Of course it is not that easy. ONL is a good way to reflect on important issues – don’t you agree?

How to begin collaborate in a new group online

I have facilitated learning groups for a long time, but on-line it is, maybe not more difficult, but it is at least different. How do you get all people connected from all over the world, sharing and learning together? If you are in the same room at the same time there are some frames already set – time and space – physically. That frame does not exist in the open learning in the same way. You need to create it – or several frames in time and space – and what is said, done and the relations. How? If the group is five people, but only two shows up… How do you still create an opportunity for collaboration and learning?

I think Drive is a good tool for that. Also to be able to record Zoom-meetings. In that way everyone can still take part of the groups work and, for example thru a Chat (like Discord, WhatsUp, etc) you can still be connected. Whether or not you are in the same room at the same time or not, collaboration, sharing, taking responsibility for the groups work, my own learning, etc – that is being active – is important in both cases.

So, if learning takes part on-line, together with others, there need to be a set of tools, that together, both supports collaboration and learning – individually and collective. The social arrangement needs to be talked about – how to relate to one another. Also how and where to share and discuss and how we use the language – what is in focus of our learning. And finally the doing – what kind of activities do we do individually and as a learning-group. Wether or not it is in a physical room och in the open – I think these things needs to support the task at hand.

My reflections

Here, I will share my reflections from ONL. Now, just trying to make my first post.