lejla's ONL blogs

Just another Sola @ KAU site

About me

My name is Lejla Islami

I am a PhD student at the Computer Science department at Karlstad University, Sweden. Generally speaking, at the PriSec group at Kau we focus on privacy-enhancing technologies and network security. As part of the SSF SURPRISE project, our research evolves around secure and private connectivity in smart environments, creating fundamental privacy and security building blocks for giving users the possibility to interact in a privacy-friendly way and enabling control of their disclosed identities and personal information. Therefore my research focuses on usable management of privacy-preserving identifiers, investigating trustworthy privacy-enhancing identity management of pseudonyms in the context of smart environments.

Born in Albania, lived in Estonia and currently in Sweden, I have different professional and personal interests, impacted by my education, background and previous experiences. My research interests include users perceptions
on privacy trade-offs of smart environments, HCI, usable privacy, the IoT, cybersecurity, and nationwide cyber awareness.

Personal interests

Reading, traveling, cooking and

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