About us and Contact

The research group on power, politics and governance is based at Karlstad university, Sweden. It is run by a steering committee of four senior researchers in political science. Additionally, the group involves several PhD-students who conduct their research under supervision of the senior researchers.
Steering committee
Tomas Mitander, tomas.mitander@kau.se
Research profile: https://www.kau.se/personal/tomas-mitander
Malin Rönnblom, malin.ronnblom@kau.se
Research profile: https://www.kau.se/forskare/malin-ronnblom
David Scott, david.scott@kau.se
Research profile: https://www.kau.se/forskare/david-scott
Andreas Öjehag, andreas.ojehag@kau.se
Research profile: https://www.kau.se/forskare/andreas-ojehag