PhD Course

Critical studies of power, politics and governing
– Anti-foundational analysis

The aim of this course is to introduce and deepen the understanding of employing an anti-foundational perspective in research. After an introductory overview of three contemporary post-structuralist approaches – assemblage thinking, discourse theory and governmentality studies – the course focuses on the linkages between ontology, epistemology and methodology for designing, conducting and critiquing anti-foundational research. The course will discuss questions of relevance, normative positions, problematizations, analytical clarity and credibility, impact, and dissemination in anti-foundational research.

The course is hosted by the Research Group on Power, Politics and Governing at Karlstad University, Sweden and part of the 2025 Research Symposium Critical Studies of Power, Politics and Governing taking place August 21-23 in Karlstad. All instructors, specialise in anti-foundational research and have extensive experience in teaching and supervising PhD-students.

Application and practical information

The course is limited to 10 participants. We operate on a first come first serve basis with a waiting list. Application is open until 23.59 May 4 2025. On May 5 you will get notified if you have been accepted to the course, or if you have been put on the waiting list. Accepted applicants are expected to confirm their participation no later than May 9. If anyone withdraws or fails to confirm, we turn to the waiting list and start to offer available spots to reserves. Finally, before May 15 admitted students will get all practical details for how to register on the online platform where further instructions can be found.

Apply here (includes registration for the symposium):

Course outline

The course is divided in three steps:

1. Online-modules for readings and preparations (June to mid-august)

2. Symposium and course seminars (August 21-23 in Karlstad, Sweden)

3. Submission of a course paper (End of September)

The online modules will offer help in the preparatory readings and guide through the writing of a short essay that will be discussed in Karlstad at the symposium.

Besides participating in the symposium (that will be very helpful for the goals of the course), a full day of course actives will be added to the program in Karlstad. Students can choose to finish the course with the submission of a course paper where you discuss your own research in relation to the theoretical approaches introduced in the course.

The course can either be finalized after step 1 and 2 for 5 credits, or after all steps for 7,5 ECTS credits.

If you have questions, please contact Tomas Mitander, coordinator for the Research Group on Power, Politics and Governing.