
The research group on power, politics and governing is, and has been, involved in several research projects financed by The Swedish Research Council, The Wallenberg Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), Formas and several other funders. Currently, we are mainly involved in the following projects:
AI, Democracy and Self-determination. This project revolves around studying the impact of AI systems on self-determination and on democratic processes and values. The role of the research group on power, politics and governing is to critically analyse the models that are currently used to involved ethical principles and social values in designing AI-systems.
Separatist Spaces/Safe Spaces. This project explores the increased use of separatism as a practice for creating safety. The aim is to grasp the different forms of spaces that are discussed, produced and challenged as women’s movements call for separatism.
A promised land? Drivers, challenges and opportunities related to the (green) industrialization of Northern Sweden. This research program aims to use an interdisciplinary approach to understand the ongoing industrial transformation in northern Sweden.
The politics of automated systems of governing: Implications of public administration and Gender Equality. This project aims to make an in-depth critical policy analysis of the organization and practice of the politics of digitalization, in particular automated systems of governing (ASG). The purpose of the project is to move the analysis beyond the common practice to primarily treat digitalization, and particularly ASG, as a technical issue and instead explicitly analyze how they are governed and organized as part of public administration.