The integration of renewable energy (RE) sources into power grids and advancements in ICT such as Cloud and Edge Computing have significant potential for the development of smart energy grids, where a customer has production, consumption and storage capabilities. The variability of RE production gives to the prosumer an active role for the operation of the smart grid contributing to CO2 reduction for flexible and sustainable energy systems. Hence, coordination for energy production and management among prosumers is essential.
In this project we will study how we can use Artificial Intelligence for: i) the prediction of uncertainty in RE production and consumption and ii) optimized energy management schemes for smart grids. The algorithms will be developed and tested using data from a real system, and will be integrated into Cloud/Edge platforms. AI4ENERGY will proposed algorithms that shape flexible prosumers’ operation leading to digitalized efficient future energy systems.

The project receives funding from Energimyndigheten.
Start: 01.10.2020
End: 30.09.2023