We are proud to have in our External Advisory Board recognised experts from Swedish Industry to help guide the projects direction:

Andreas Michalik
Head of Siemens Energy – Process Solutions Sweden/Finland
Andreas Michalik is a mechatronics engineer with 15 years of experience in various segments of the manufacturing and process industry, always with focus on Electrification, Automation and Digitalization.

Johan Lindqvist
Consultant Manager, Prevas AB
Johan Lindquist has a background in industrial automation and likes to enable specialists from different fields to cooperate to achieve fantastic results.
“I believe AI and the internet of things will be key technologies to find a solution to the challenges we face with increased electrification of the transportation sector
together with a higher share of renewable energy sources in our energy mix.”

Jonas Forsman
Director Consulting Expert, CGI
With the focus on Applied Research in AI, Machine Learning and Big Data, Jonas has taken a special interest in Explainable AI and Knowledge Representation using Graph Databases. Jonas has also started several innovation projects, pushing the limits and looking for solutions outside the comfort zone.
“Today AI have the potential to help us be more efficient in reducing energy consumption, but tomorrow AI will help us invent totally new, clean and renewable energy sources and how to harness them.”