Digital native and digital footprints

I needed to sleep on it, and I woke up in the middle of the night seeing my self as a spider. The question is? I´m I trapped or is it me doing the net?

I´m certainly stuck but I doesn´t dislike it! It´s just the way it is and I have adapted.


ONL202, PBLgroup07


Jobbar på för fullt och nu börjar bollarna bli ett par stycken i luften. Ser verkligen fram emot kursstart för våra programstudenter i vecka 41.

Förra veckan producerades presentationer i mängd till den milda grad att jag såg tänder till och med i de sista skördade grödorna :).

Jobba, jobba, paus.., pauser är viktiga och nu stundar lunch.

På återhörande//Lotta

Mixed feelings but not “fischy”-feelings

I´m not used to work by a PBL perspective or at least it is for the first time I do it conciously. If you look at the layout and the idea, I want to say that in some way I already solved tasks acoording to the PBL method without having classified the work to be according exactly to the PBL.

Today at the very first connecting meeting at zoom we already realized that we should try to meet at the afternoons cest when we happily having a groupmember from Brasil and the time differences between us make it impossible to have the meetings in the mornings because the it is night and sleepingtime in Brasil.

I will now check my calendar and the topics once a again and try to decide which topic i wouold like to lead togehter with someone.

Get in touch/Lotta

ONL – Open Networked Learning course

It is truly a previliege to work in a workplace where you are constantly expected to develop. Now at monday, a new course begins where I personally expect new insights. At the same time, i feel a little worried that the time will not be enough with our newly started program where I am in the progress of the recording lectures while I try to get my rearch plan in order. But one thing is for sure I will do my best and take one thing at the time in small steps and priority the most important thing of the day… but first there is an wonderful weekend coming up when we in the family will celebrate our youngest daughter who become twenty ??