The picture visualize when a group works and it works because they practised to work together and everybody participate, they know eachothers skills and they have their roles. The work doesn´t progress if they aren´t all giving their best and listen to the leader and eachother.
Alone is not strong… but as a participant in a group, the working requires commitment, curiosity and acceptance and of course it takes energy, but it gives a fantastic amount of energy and brings so much added value. When it works :).
In the very first beginning of a groupsetting I realize that I need to be patient and take it easy as a person. I have a quite quick personality and I´m not a slow starter because I am too curiuos, but I need to think of solutions for a while, I like to sleep on things. I liked our opportunity to really get the time for the first week to get to know eachother in our PBL group that was an really good group investment.
To talk about expectations, the goal and the learning objectives (syllabus) to see the same horizont and come closer and have the same point of view and the platform. A good start already from the beginning. When I as a teacher planning a new course I see benefits to suggest and plan a starting task connected to the course topic but also a starter for the group to find out and get to know eachother, I can see benefits of a task which cauld be easy bu. I can see differences between us in this ONL course, we now how it works and we appreciate learning and education and totally know and notice when students grow together by their colloboration. The students must be allowed to figure things out for the selves. We know for fact that we are different but we plan our courses at the same way for every each student, that´s not 2020 I think.
I saw PBL04 grouppresentation yesterday and klicked at their youtube video from a guy´s TedX talk named Patrik Lencionis and his presentations of an ideal team player and different combinations of abilities as being humble (most important), smart and hungry. If you haven´t seen it take the few minutes and hear him out. This is my personal thoughts and reflection, many people say their are teamplayer, but are they? I have met collegues by my different works through life which doing things for just them selves becouse the most important thing is the career and get the finest title. It is important to, beacuse the competens is of high educated people is neccessary for our society. But you can certainly be humble, smart and hungry and highly competent. And persons without higher education can have perfect skills to be an ideal teamplayer its important to remember. As long as we are motivated, engaged and see the oppurtunities.
Another videoclip from youtube which I liked where this, which about connectivism as a networked student which I will share here and save for my own memory to remind me when I get stuck in old shoes, thinking or solutions of education !
The frustration which students and teachers can feel during colloboration online is a important thing to be aware don´t neglect it. I can be stressful and the positive colloborations cannot be taken for granted. I have an own experience this autumn being the teacher who suggest the student to conveyd to the library´s anatomical encyclopedia and the students do not get it to work. Because they do not read the instructions that are availible. In my world, I see an oppurtunity to be helpful to eachother. But at the other hand from frictions in a group marvellous thing can develop.

Capdeferro, N., & Romero, M. (2014) Are Online Learners frustrated with Colloborative Learning experiences? International Review of Research in Open and Distrubited Learning 13 (2), 26-44 DOI: https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v13i2.1127
Lencioni, Patrick (2020) Are you an ideal team player? TEDx University of Nevada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRh80RyT74I
Networked student https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwM4ieFOotA&feature=emb_title