Now we are connected!

Internet connectors

This week has been a lot of fun! I have now been connected to my fellow colleagues in PBL-group 03, and we have introduced ourselves to each other. I find the composition of the group very successful, with people from different backgrounds, with different careers, different experiences, from different parts of the world (and time zones!). I guess that what we have in common is that we look forward to this experience and what the future weeks will bring us in terms of challenges and possibilities. A huge *thank you* to our facilitator and co-facilitator Kelly and Esther for creating such a welcoming atmosphere.

I will bring the experiences from this Connecting week with me in my own teaching. I have felt totally safe this week despite all the new information, all the things too read, all the new people to learn the names of and so forth. To make someone brave enough to explore the world before them you have to create a safe place for them to fall back into when needed. ONL-team: you have succeeded!

So, Friday afternoon is apparently my time for blogging.. What will this weekend bring? We will se. Wish you all a nice one!



En kommentar till “Now we are connected!”

  1. Great to hear, Christina and well done to you! I think that the emotional part in online learning is very often overlooked and I completely agree with you that feeling safe is a key requirement. Looking forward to reading your coming reflections and take aways. My blogging time and/or reading and commenting time is also often Friday afternoons, or Saturday mornings. As course organizer, this is one of the things I enjoy the most. Reading the reflections of our participants and the feeling of being part of the learning process. Keep on having fun! It’s as important as being safe, in my opinion and enjoy your weekend! /Jörg

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