Introduction to Sustainable Development (IHU-2509)

The purpose of this course is to provide participants with greater knowledge in the field of sustainable development, enabling them to work based on Karlstad University’s vision: “We systematically promote social, economic, and environmentally sustainable societal development.” Humanity faces several significant challenges related to resources, the environment, and global justice. To address these challenges, goals for sustainable development have been formulated at various societal levels, from the global to the local, in both public and private contexts. Education plays a central role in achieving these goals.


Course objectives

After completing the course, the participant should be able to:

  1. Explain and discuss sustainable development and societal transformation and what it means for development of humanity´s and the planet’s.
  2. Be familiar with some of the environmental problems and resource challenges that humanity faces at a broader level.
  3. Discuss mental barriers that exist to accepting scientific facts in this field and how to address them in education.
  4. Identify the need for actions both individually and at the university level to contribute to a sustainable societal transformation.
  5. Identify areas for improvement and propose development opportunities to strengthen the area of sustainable development in undergraduate education, in a subject, program, course or other relevant areas of work.
Course Literature

Course literature, articles and electronic resources will be provided by the course coordinator.

Target Group
The course is aimed at university staff
The course aims to be practical and directly useful in the course participants' daily work. No written assignments are included in the course. It relies heavily on active participation during the course and that the final work is presented and discussed at the end of the course.
  • 2025-09-24		13:00-16:00		Meeting 1
  • 2025-10-09		09:00-12:00		Meeting 2
  • 2025-10-23		13:00-16:00		Meeting 3
  • 2025-11-06		13:00-16:00		Examinations
Contribute to SUHF:s guidelines
  • 6
  • 7
Status: Open
Course period: 2025-09-24 - 2025-11-06
Hours of commitment: 40
Limit of enrollment: 24

Helén Williams


Teresa Berglund


Avit Bhowmik

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