Me and some thoughts in motion

Filter-bubbles and academics trying to make their voices heard

Reflecting on the purpose of making an effort to open up education I came to think about another important aspect. Today more than ever, the quality of information and knowledge is key to a functional democratic society. Online there is an abundance of information. Information that has been created for various reasons. Lobbyists, political groups, interest groups, informal groupings and so on, create, support, and share information which may be more or less close to the truth. People making their own research from the couch should reasonable also meet accessible content created on scientific premises. Although I like the idea of the online education as the Coffee House Model (Ragupathi, 2020), I wonder if it really function this way in modern societies. One has to remember that the amount of information today is something completely different from all other epochs in history. Making information and knowledge available in material terms will only take us so far. I think learning is also about beliefs and culture. Beliefs about the value of being educated and a culture that supports and stimulates exploration of various educational domains.