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Invitation to SWITS 2024 – SWITS

Invitation to SWITS 2024

Date: 27-28 May 2024

Location: Teknodromen in the M-building at LTH, Lund University (see directions below)

Registration by April 23rd: https://survey.kau.se/SWITS2024

We hereby want to invite you to the 24th seminar of our Swedish IT Security Research Network for Ph.D. students (SWITS 2024). Previous SWITS seminars have been arranged by Karlstad University, Stockholm University/KTH, BTH, Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, Skövde University, Örebro University, Lund University, Uppsala University and Mälardalens Högskolan, the Norwegian Coins network (in Oslo) and KTH/CySep, where at each seminar we had about 25-100 participating PhD students, researchers and supervisors from Swedish Universities/University Colleges and other Swedish research organisations.

This year, we are glad to announce that SWITS 2024 will be held in at LTH in Lund. Again, we hope to have many PhD students attending in person, many presentations, poster pitches and presentations, an engaged audience, good food, and time to communicate and network.

Aims of the SWITS network and seminars are:

– To enhance cooperation between research labs and PhD student

– To offer the PhD students the possibility to present their research work, to get feedback and inspirations

– To discuss future activities and projects

– To identify courseware usable on national level and make these available to participating departments

– To identify existing PhD courses at Swedish Universities/ University Colleges and make them available for all students within the network

– To participate in the organization of compact IT security courses or summer schools for PhD students at international level and open them for all students of the network

– To share outside/expert lecturers

(see also: https://sola.kau.se/swits/ ).

PhD students will as in previous years have the opportunity to present their research to an auditorium of other PhD candidates and research advisors. Moreover, after very positive experiences with the poster session, PhD students and other researchers could alternatively also present a poster together with a short poster pitch in front of the whole audience. All PhD students that want to participate are requested to submit a short abstract of a presentation or poster about their current research.

The abstract should be in English, in pdf format including title and the author name(s) and affiliations and should be submitted by 12th May 2024 by emailing it to simofihu@kau.se.

Please indicate whether this is an abstract for a poster or for a longer presentation.

Ordinary presentations will be in English and will be 10-20 minutes (depending on the number of presentations) plus time for questions. Poster pitches will be 2-3 minutes presentations.

Moreover, research groups will again be invited to give an overview of their research work in the Introductory Session on Monday morning.

Besides, we plan to include invited presentations by researchers at Lund University and will discuss the start of Cybercampus Sweden and its planned new National Swedish Graduate School for Cybersecurity and how SWITS can become a part of it.

The draft SWITS 2024 seminar program is as follows:

Monday, 27th May 2024:


10:30 Arrival, Coffee for early arrivals

11:00 Welcome, Introduction, research group presentations,

 PhD student presentations/discussion

12:30 Lunch

13:30 PhD student presentations/discussion

15:30 Coffee

16:00 Parallel workshops or PhD student presentations/discussion

17:00 Cybercampus Sweden, PhD education & SWITS

18:00 Social event & Dinner

Tuesday, 28th May 2024:


9:00 Welcome, PhD student presentations/discussion

10:00 Poster pitches, Poster presentations by PhD students & Cybersecurity projects

(Coffee and snacks are served in between)

11:30 PhD student presentations

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Invited talks: Christian Gehrmann (Lund University)

14:30 Summing up, next steps

15:00 Coffee, and end of SWITS 2024


Getting to Lund is easy. If you go by train, it is a good idea to get off at Lund C. If you need to go by airplane, your best option is to go to Copenhagen (CPH) and to take the train to Lund C (about 35 min) from there.

From Lund C you can either walk up to LTH (about 20 min), or you can take the tram from Lund C and get off at Kårhuset LTH.
Tram at Lund C: https://maps.app.goo.gl/xfxesLHxH7vxascW7

Tram at Kårhuset, LTH: https://maps.app.goo.gl/S9vPhKryj4gNdBJt9

The SWITS 2024 seminar location is the lecture hall Teknodromen in the M-building at LTH.
Teknodromen, LTH: https://maps.app.goo.gl/xPM7CfQxZbrMuBmh9.


SWITS 2024 is co-funded by MSB. Hence, seminar participation will be free (while some fees will be charged for hotel accommodation –see below):

 By Tuesday, 23rd April 2024:

Please register to SWITS 2024 via link https://survey.kau.se/SWITS2024

We pre-booked 70 hotel rooms in two locations in the city center of Lund (Hotel Lundia, and Hotel Concordia) that you can also book via the registration link https://survey.kau.se/SWITS2024 (as long as rooms from the pre-booked pool will be available).

For the night from Monday to Tuesday, the price is 300 SEK (subsidized by SWITS!).

For the night from Sunday to Monday at Hotel Concordia, the full price will be charged, which is 1320 SEK incl. moms (1179 SEK excl. moms).

This amounts have to be paid at the hotel reception at check-in.


– As mentioned above, all PhD students are invited to submit a short (up to one-page) abstract of their presentation in pdf, including author names and affiliations by email to simofihu@kau.se by the 12th May 2024. Also, research projects are invited to present posters.

– The web site with the draft seminar program, abstracts of presentations will be set up by the 22nd May 2024.

We are looking forward very much to seeing you at the seminar and to further cooperation!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me/us.

Best regards,

Simone Fischer-Hübner (SWITS coordinator) & Paul Stankovski Wagner, Qian Guo (local SWITS 2024 hosts).