ONL 202 Topic 4 and 5: Blended learning and My new experiences and my lessons autumn 2020

What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? When you enter a task / course and you notice that everyone has the same commitment and will to develop.
Why? Then you dare to throw yourself out and try things that you could not even imagine for security and trust is great.
How will your learning influence your practice? I will plan my courses that I am responsible for differently, materials, the facility, group assignments that progress not only in assignments but also current responsibilities
What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context? The digital tools are crucial because the program is web-based and this course has made me less worried and more afraid to try. But the tool should be effective and contribute to simplification. My point is not to have a tool just for that.
What are you going to do as a result of your involvement in ONL? I will market the course further and if I was not in the seat where I need to prioritize my time, I would definitely sign up to be co-facilitator. That chance may remain in the future 🙂
Why? When you see the other pblgroups I realize there are so much more out there by the collegues around the world.
What suggestions do you have (activities and/or in general) for development of eLearning in your own teaching or context? I have a dream of this, we started our program this autumn. But I see oppurtunity to develop t hat the students borrow simulations dolls home and I can educate the student by supporting them online with the instrumentation that dental hygiene students need. Me as a teacher, facilitator, I as a teacher are available online with technology that makes the student clearly see how I do, camera, zoom, etc.

ONL learning- it was meant to be for me this autumn. Overload with new things but I needed this course to understand my self as a teacher or facilitator from now on :). Thank´s for open up my eyes for the open network, digital, blended education world, I´m not a super user but I´m certainly not the most novice, I realize I got some skills and I´m not afraid anymore of trying out things.

To learn new things it takes engagement, motivation earlier experinces and with ages I got severals perspectives. My personality is and has always been driven from curiousty. I realize I that I always have exposed myself to new things and like to develop. I have a strong will to understand and accept other people’s ways of thinking and solving different things, it broadens my views and makes me even more humble to everything left to learn.

PBL – my very first experience of being part of a group where the groupwork heading PBL (problem-based learning). And I will certainly adapt it and use it my planning courses in our dentalhygienist program and as further educator.

FISH model- Is also new experience for me and I liked it. But I shall be honest and tell you that our group PBL07 didn´t follow it slavic but actually our perfect PBLgroup worked excellent great anyway. I think it work so well because we match eachother totally well and my thougts of everyone of has been authentic, curious and keen on the topic. I made a blogpost of the FISH-model in the very first weeks just as remember for my self. My own library of useful things.

Digital tools- Maybe we could have used some more of them in our PBLgroup but if I summarize all new digital experience I have with this ONL course, i´m not disappointed at all. It ended up with several new things for me like, Padlet, Miro, Fresco (Gifs), Meme, blogging (I had started a littlebit before the ONL course but not that much), Twitter and tweetchat, Webinars and breakoutrooms, WhatsApp and I have perform a lot of new things by recording my self on video which I really not prefer or like at all. I don´t like to hear och see my self, but what should I do, I am who I am, nothing to do about that just accept it and try to make the best of what I got. The only thing we didn´t do as a group was to perform a recorded dance together. We have actually write poems Haiku ones as memes, you can see my Haiku Pomemes below.

And their are more good things from every single PBLgroup who showed wonderful solutions in their presentations which ends up with a big ocean of good stuff where I can go and pick it up and use beacuse I am out of my comfortzone and not that worried any more. An early christmas gift, like a fancy toolbox.

My Comfortzone- it has certainly expanded and I think I even got out of it. It feels really liberating. Before these course I was wooried of my skill, because I had some years of no teaching, so I needed to rethink, get over my ring rust and get back on the saddle again

Try things out beacuse I can more things than I think, I am so happy. I got ideas and feel more safe of my thinking so, from this autum I will try things more widely. Actually i think I appreciate to be co-facilitator but the lack of time will probably stop me. But there are more to investigate for sure.

Facilitators role- coach -the educators role/my role. I will update and adjust my approach to the teaching role, which means that the structure, planning of the course for which I am responsible will be planned differently. I will be more of rolemodel in the beginning and as students become more confident in the course structure, they are released more and more and become each other’s teachers / role models. Lena in my PBLgroup learned me the concept scaffolding. The meaning and purpose the purpose is to integrate the students with each other and create security for increasing independence. Creating a naturalness in the digital collaboration the geographical distance is uninteresting, it rather insignificant.

Blended learning, I hope that the wonderful and easily reachable material online can be used and make sence in education, i also hope that the student combine the easily reachable with books, beacuse reading books is also a great way of learning. combine with writing, listening and reflections. I also think of materials that can advantageously be included in the gym, walk or run. I realized the meaning by scenarios on an other way beacuse of the PBL layouten. In one of ONL webinars we talked about to keep the groups more continuously, because its is more important for online colloboration, and colloborative work. Frictions may appear but it is natural groupsetting and from frictions the performing appear beacuse the group getting to now eachother and now their personal skills. The gif below is PBLgroup07 proudly visualizing and presenting our view of blended learning. I safe the link as a rembemer to Fresco

I tried out to think a little bit more ONL like in the course which ended this friday (11th dec) and I used Padlet to rethink my planning of the course next autumn. The text is in swedish but I link to the Padlet where my planning is, so you can have a look at it. The course is about anatomy 15hp and reach for 10 hole weeks. The padlet visualizing the planning

PoMemes as japaneses Haikus, my suggestions, the group had as last session where we answer questions from Edwards Bonos hats which Lena and Karin as leader let us work with and the questions where. The link to Imgflip as remember for my self

  1. What have we done? (white hat)
  2. What has worked well? (yellow hat)
  3. What has been challenging? (black hat)
  4. What can we developed from here? (green hat)
  5. How do we summarize it all? (blue hat)

There is a red hat, but we agree that we don´t need to talk about disagrees 🙂

From our common collective words answerd of the black hat, I did these. I found it fun :). I made four suggestions and played around 🙂


Topic 4

I have already wrote my idea of Library this is recomended literature from topic 4 on line learning and blended learning.

Cleveland-Innes, M. (2020). Roles, learning design, and the Community of Inquiry. Introductory presentation and slides on the Padlet

Salmon, G (2013) The Five Stage Model. [Homepage]

Vaughan, N. D., Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, D. R. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. Edmonton: AU Press. Chapter 1 “The Community of Inquiry Conceptual framework”.

Further optional readings and resources

Boelens, R., De Wever, B., & Voet, M. (2017). Four key challenges to the design of blended learning: A systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 22, 1-18.

Cleveland-Innes, M. & Wilton, D. (2018). Guide to Blended Learning. Burnaby: Commonwealth of Learning.

Conole, G. (2015). The 7Cs of Learning Design. (manuscript)

Fiock, H. (2020). Designing a Community of Inquiry in Online Courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 21(1), 135-153.

Hodges, C. (2020). The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning. EDUCAUSE review.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – homepage and guidelines

Topic 5

Marc Reyes, Kristi Kaeppel, and Emma Bjorngard-Basayne (2018): Memes and GIFs as Powerful Classroom Tools

Fantastic memes and how to use them, 2016, Higher Ed live (Video interview)

Mr. Allen 2018: Imgflip tutorial YouTube

Open Universities report Innovating pedagogy 2020 available here

NMC Horizon Report 2020 available here.

ONL202 Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning – PBL07

Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

The picture visualize when a group works and it works because they practised to work together and everybody participate, they know eachothers skills and they have their roles. The work doesn´t progress if they aren´t all giving their best and listen to the leader and eachother.

Alone is not strong… but as a participant in a group, the working requires commitment, curiosity and acceptance and of course it takes energy, but it gives a fantastic amount of energy and brings so much added value. When it works :).

In the very first beginning of a groupsetting I realize that I need to be patient and take it easy as a person. I have a quite quick personality and I´m not a slow starter because I am too curiuos, but I need to think of solutions for a while, I like to sleep on things. I liked our opportunity to really get the time for the first week to get to know eachother in our PBL group that was an really good group investment.

To talk about expectations, the goal and the learning objectives (syllabus) to see the same horizont and come closer and have the same point of view and the platform. A good start already from the beginning. When I as a teacher planning a new course I see benefits to suggest and plan a starting task connected to the course topic but also a starter for the group to find out and get to know eachother, I can see benefits of a task which cauld be easy bu. I can see differences between us in this ONL course, we now how it works and we appreciate learning and education and totally know and notice when students grow together by their colloboration. The students must be allowed to figure things out for the selves. We know for fact that we are different but we plan our courses at the same way for every each student, that´s not 2020 I think.

I saw PBL04 grouppresentation yesterday and klicked at their youtube video from a guy´s TedX talk named Patrik Lencionis and his presentations of an ideal team player and different combinations of abilities as being humble (most important), smart and hungry. If you haven´t seen it take the few minutes and hear him out. This is my personal thoughts and reflection, many people say their are teamplayer, but are they? I have met collegues by my different works through life which doing things for just them selves becouse the most important thing is the career and get the finest title. It is important to, beacuse the competens is of high educated people is neccessary for our society. But you can certainly be humble, smart and hungry and highly competent. And persons without higher education can have perfect skills to be an ideal teamplayer its important to remember. As long as we are motivated, engaged and see the oppurtunities.

Another videoclip from youtube which I liked where this, which about connectivism as a networked student which I will share here and save for my own memory to remind me when I get stuck in old shoes, thinking or solutions of education !

The frustration which students and teachers can feel during colloboration online is a important thing to be aware don´t neglect it. I can be stressful and the positive colloborations cannot be taken for granted. I have an own experience this autumn being the teacher who suggest the student to conveyd to the library´s anatomical encyclopedia and the students do not get it to work. Because they do not read the instructions that are availible. In my world, I see an oppurtunity to be helpful to eachother. But at the other hand from frictions in a group marvellous thing can develop.

Photo by Juan Molina on Unsplash

Capdeferro, N., & Romero, M. (2014) Are Online Learners frustrated with Colloborative Learning experiences? International Review of Research in Open and Distrubited Learning 13 (2), 26-44 DOI:

Lencioni, Patrick (2020) Are you an ideal team player? TEDx University of Nevada

Networked student

ONL202 Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness- My personal reflection and thoughts (PBL07)/Charlotte

Let´s be open

I´m been thinking a lot, will I manage to have the time to participate on this course this autumn? I have 2 big new things going on, one to become lecturer again (I had an unwanted brake for three years) and two I started my PhD studies for 6 months ago. But I realize this was meant to be, I really need to meet my self as a lecturer and all you people (especielly my PBL07group ) but also everybody participate in this course. We had two webinars with really engaged Alistair Creelman and Kiruthika Ragupathi and the webinars where interesting and well planned, well done. I got engaged and motivated. I suggest people I meet to take the course next time.

Foto; Pixaby

There is a movement world wide and people seems to be open to share, and to do that in a safe way, we can use common creatives which has developed to make surethat ther rules are clearfor how we should share and use each others material. I think we will be even better together if we can generous share and get inspire from others with less prestige. As David Wiley present in his TedTalk and parable the situation of the little child which crying and tell us it´s MINE. Made me think of how many times I´ve been hearing that during the years working in the university. There are people who can share but there are those who are afraid of sharing and put their presentions as films online (through platforms distrubiated by own university) and says that they will not be needed anymore. I think that it is not true, because the presentation needs to be updated and remade becuse of the continous development.

Aren´t we the students tools? We got the knowledge they are after and we as educators some how like and enjoy to share, educate that knowledge. I proudly like to share and see other people develop and having the same knowledge and even got more even knowledge beacuse they meet my collegues aswell, thank good for that :). And their possibility to learn has developed I think, because the digital techninque has developed and it has a lot more possibilities. Doesn´t we all work for the world to become a better place for us people and our society somehow, we just not think about it in our everyday work, we all participates so the wheel keeps on spinning. I can´t think on someone other solution, offcourse we will continue to develop us people and our society. If we not educate with openness there are´nt any education at all (whether I am in a classroom in real life or online) because education is about sharing knowledge and sharing is caring. I just need to adapt to the cicumstances and plan the courses/program to involve and lead the students in an positive direction.

We should be happy and grateful because nowadays we have the technology which make it possible to educate and educate more people and regardless to geograpic. We can share our knowledge in different ways it´s just the imaginations that limits (David Wiley). I been thinking about the fact therer is always two sides of the coin. Social communications apps is for good and friendly use but uses differently of different organizations by algoritms which are explained by that it is for learning about the users and so on but it also uses to target commercial advertising based on what we like for example. The openness in education has rules and to be sure the rules follows set passwords and barriers to abuse transparency at least connected to university. And then there are MOOC´s

MOOC courses is about connecting and collaborating in an engaging way during education, all materal are accessible and for free (maybe) and the work is shared. The networking through the course distrubates and its up to the participate by independence to fulfill and engage and at least decide if the course where fulfilled. This isn´t new but it is for me and it will take some time to rethink and do things more open. I am thinking that it should be able to share more material as for example instructionsvideos of instrumentations as for us dental hygienists. There is to much prestige I think, its kind of similar that you don´t other about your places to pick your mushrooms, it´s MINE.

Kay Oddones PLE or PLN or LMS or OLN? haven´t I been able to read and learn about yet but now when I put in my blog it will make me remember to read it, because it´s interest me. As Kiruthika reflect in her blog I can also se a likeness to Coffee House model, I have been three times (earlier the last time when I was a lecturer) to Nepal and Kathmandu with students where the open Coffee Houses made it more easy to connect to the net and made it possible for me to continue to meet collegues and the other students back at home ”there the normal life” went on.

Another reflection about openness and how to find it and connect to people. When i was a girl, my mother stayed home with me and my brother, sehe didn´t have here own work untill i was fiftheen years old. For not going crazy and bored she had her groups for sewing and she learned different things at study circles at nights that interested her, when my dad came home (to me and my brother) from his work. Nowadays and especially in ths pandemictime I almost feel this online course as my studycircle, we learn and experiences same thing at the same time together which connect us a little bit more because we got same platform and references from which we investigate topics.

Fake news or fake fact? It made me think about academic articles and predators. There are a lot of facts online and less time and it takes time (and knowledge) to be sure I´m up for the right stuff/material/fact, I found a report where the citeria where listed as a check up (Toutloff, 2019).

Sortly I took a look on Bates (2019) book and thougt about the text that it is so much more students who educates nowadays though higher education and universities. I think it´s good to be able to be educated, I love to develop my self. But not every one suits to take higher education there are people in society which prefer to learn a profession through being apprentice, and thats okey to I think, but the society at least in Sweden makes it difficult. I think we need to be open and to see possibilities and accept our similarities and differences. Sometimes we connect and sometimes we need to wait in the right moment to connect. My body and mind has got an altered vision and I am not so worried to sharing, I will just figure how the best way should be in my subject.

Take care and be open minded/Charlotte



Creative Commons guide. Nice short overview to CC-licensing by Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand.

Open education and the future, Short TED-talk by David Wiley

Watson, K. (2014) Learning management system or the open web?, Learning to teach online UNSW.

What is a MOOC?  Short explanation by Dave Cormier, one of the people behind the first ever MOOC.


Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning. (2nd edition)
(This is probably the best guide there is today to teaching in a digital context. Worth reading the whole book but for this unit you can focus on Chapter 11, Trends in open education.)

Oddone, K. (2016). PLE or PLN or LMS or OLN?  Blog post about the ONL course.

Ragupathi, K. (2020). Being open: drawing parallels with the Coffee House model.

Toutloff, L. (2019). Cabells Predatory Report Criteria v 1.1. Predatory reports

Weller, M., & Anderson, T. (2013). Digital resilience in higher education. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 16(1), 53.

Weller, M. (2014). Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory. London: Ubiquity Press.
(If you can, try to read all of this excellent overview of the whole question of openness but if you can’t, focus on Chapter 4, Open Educational Resources, and Chapter 5, MOOCs.)

Online participation & digital literacies

Reflection– Topic 1

Who am I? – I´m not the most technical person i know but I´m not the worst at technical things either. I´m notised a interesting thing by my self I think, in the family I got totally unintrested to find out how things works because there some other, I don´t won´t to point him out 😉 who take the responsible of technical things at home. On the other hand at work people use to ask me for guidance and tips and tricks and I use to have answers and the best part those who asked even seem to be happy and helped.

Digitial literacy/my personal and professional life- In these two weeks I notice how much I actually use technical equipments everyday and when I really think about it I use hole bunch of several computer system and over the years several different learning platforms and communication tools. I have had different role at the university and the and the various tasks have entailed new computer systems for the various administrative tasks. So with a look in the rearview mirror, I keep up really well and in some cases I am even at the forefront even though I am aware that´s not the case :). I started to blog last spring, just for work because we wont our program students to reflect their process through their education. I needed to try it out before they to see if I liked it.

Privatily I have Instagram, messenger, snapchat Facebook accounts, the last one I totally lost interest in. By this course I also nowadays have a twitter account, probably need some time to adapt it before I will enter twitterchat, I need to think a littlebit before I can write a quick konversation especially in english. Maybe I would manage better in swedish. Nowadays I even got a smartwatch a gift from him I don´t want to point out. i was so sceptical but I have change my mind I like to see how active I am daily, beacuse I work out to be able to be as old as possible

My basic philosophy is – How difficult can it be? ONL– means already for me that I´m out from my kind of ”lazy” comfortzone and it´s fun to meet others with a open mind and curiosity to experience new thing. I know it before that I really like to meet people around the world, because I have been responsible for international exchange and i´m back in business since this autumn as a teacher and the subjects international responsible. ONL untill got me to realize how much and capable and actually competent I am. Thanks for that (Beetham, of digital literacies)

Beetham and Sharpepyramid model of digital literacy development model (2010)
Beetham and Sharpe ‘pyramid model’ of digital literacy development model (2010)

ONL for my development– I have high expectations for the continuation of the course and I already know for sure that the expectations will be met. I appreciate the people in my dear PBL07 group, they are great! already after two weeks there is a feeling of that we know each other already almost like a family. Maybe Corona has something to do with that part I miss the social part because I have worked from home sinse march :D.

Over and out, tomorrow I will practise on our presenting of topic 1, I promise you I will need it :D.


Digital native and digital footprints

I needed to sleep on it, and I woke up in the middle of the night seeing my self as a spider. The question is? I´m I trapped or is it me doing the net?

I´m certainly stuck but I doesn´t dislike it! It´s just the way it is and I have adapted.


ONL202, PBLgroup07

Mixed feelings but not ”fischy”-feelings

I´m not used to work by a PBL perspective or at least it is for the first time I do it conciously. If you look at the layout and the idea, I want to say that in some way I already solved tasks acoording to the PBL method without having classified the work to be according exactly to the PBL.

Today at the very first connecting meeting at zoom we already realized that we should try to meet at the afternoons cest when we happily having a groupmember from Brasil and the time differences between us make it impossible to have the meetings in the mornings because the it is night and sleepingtime in Brasil.

I will now check my calendar and the topics once a again and try to decide which topic i wouold like to lead togehter with someone.

Get in touch/Lotta

ONL – Open Networked Learning course

It is truly a previliege to work in a workplace where you are constantly expected to develop. Now at monday, a new course begins where I personally expect new insights. At the same time, i feel a little worried that the time will not be enough with our newly started program where I am in the progress of the recording lectures while I try to get my rearch plan in order. But one thing is for sure I will do my best and take one thing at the time in small steps and priority the most important thing of the day… but first there is an wonderful weekend coming up when we in the family will celebrate our youngest daughter who become twenty ??