Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and innovative technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) are increasingly used in industry for solving a plethora of challenging problems. However, their novelty and complexity might introduce in IT-systems new privacy threats and security vulnerabilities, hard to detect and mitigate. It is critical to develop techniques, tools, and approaches that allow for secure and robust deployment of AI solutions. T2 investigates the threats to security and privacy when VR technologies are used for performing remote operations on mission critical robots and heavy machines, such as mining machines. In particular, T2 aims to develop AI-based methods and techniques for mitigating security threats to VR setups and ensuring operators’ privacy and safety.

Beyond the use of AI for innovating industry processes and operations, in SIGS-CyberSec intends to explore how the use of AI algorithms and approaches can enhance systems security and privacy. In this theme, we investigate the use of AI to develop smart and automated monitoring tools to detect and resolve incidents using data from EDR (End Point Detection and Response) and NDR (Network Detection and Response) to SIEM system (Security Information and Event Management System). Theme T2 includes also innovative research on the application of Machine Learning to detect and extract security-related information from encrypted traffic data in a privacy-enhanced manner, as well as automation of privacy incident/breach detection and handling/reporting in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).