October 14, 2021

Today we had a session in Tweetchat. I honestly got a bit frustrated. Recognized a sense of being a bit defiant. But I hung in there and followed the session, trying to keep up with the instruction and the flow. This is parts of what was produced, my quick, witty and smart responses to the questions asked by the moderators (sorry my irony, still being a bit defiant I guess):
OpenNetLearn@OpenNetLearn#onl212 Q1: How would you describe your digital literacy?
Sven Hassler@stingen08·9hSvarar @OpenNetLearn#onl212 I would say I'm literate at a medium level.
@OpenNetLearn#onl212 Q2: How can you improve your own digital literacies? What are your digital literacy goals?
Sven Hassler@stingen08·9hSvarar @OpenNetLearn#onl212 Q2 : Doing what we are doing right now, advancing in the mastery of different platforms.
Sven Hassler@stingen08·9h#ONL212 Q3 But if I'm tweeting here at onl212, does that come as tweet on my private thread as well as a tweet from my account to all my followers?
OpenNetLearn@OpenNetLearn·9h#onl212 Q4: What digital spaces or practices do you think your students are anxious about?
Sven Hassler@stingen08·9h#onl212 Q4 Do you mean in their studies? I think our learning platforms still, like Canvas. Then perhaps tools following them like zoom.
Someone gave word to the overall impression of the Tweetchat, ‘information over load’. I couldn’t agree more and I realize that was what caused my frustration, a lack of overview of whats happening, just getting bits and pieces of conversations and lines of thought. But I guess that’s the deal here and I’m just a beginner.