
The method used in this project is based on co-operation between academia and businesses. This is so called collaborative research with the aim of contributing to the community, working together with various actors in joint projects. In the Smart Villages project, two local businesses work together with regional agencys. We are focusing on Radiolelektriska in the village of Sysslebäck in Torsby Municipality and ICA Sillerud in Årjängs Municipality. The solutions created will be tested in the daily operation of these two firms. The project team also consists of ATEA and SBK Värmland, who contribute with their expertise within ICT and planning. Researchers from Geomedia and the Service Research Center (CTF) at Karlstad University are the project managers. 

Apart from the two municipalities, the Smart Villages project also has a reference group consisting the following five agencies: Region Värmland, Visit Värmland, Compare, Karlstad Innovation Park and Coompanion Värmland. They all contribute with their different competences in rural development and digitalisation.