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SWITS 2024

 24th Seminar of the Swedish IT Security Network (SWITS 2024) Program, Lund University, 27-28 May 2024

Location: Location: Teknodromen in the M-building at LTH, Lund University, https://maps.app.goo.gl/kNFycJ8x5PLXAkwb8

Monday, 27th May 2024:

10:30 Arrival, Coffee for early arrivers

11:00 Welcome, Research group presentations (3-4 minutes each)

11:50-12:20 PhD student presentations/discussion – Session I

Web security & Software Security (Moderator: Shahid Raza)

Eric Olsson (Chalmers): “FakeX: A Framework for Detecting Fake Reviews of Browser Extensions

Eric Cornelissen (KTH): “GHunter: Universal Prototype Pollution Gadgets in JavaScript Runtimes

12:25-13:25 Lunch

13:25-13:50: Sharing Cyberrange Infrastructures & Experiences – Towards a Swedish/Nordic Cyberrange (Moderator: Simone Fischer-Hübner)

Presentations from Emre Süren (Cybercampus Sweden/KTH), Mikael Asplund (LiU) and Jonathan Magnusson (KAU)

13:50-14:30: Cybercampus Sweden

  • Status – Partnership program (David Olgart – 15 min)
  • Research agenda (Shahid Raza – 20 min)
  • Cybercampus graduate school & SWITS (Simone – 5 min)

14:30-14:35 Short Break

14:35-15:20: PhD student presentations/discussion – Session II

Vulnerabilities (Moderator: Leonardo Martucci)

Yekatierina Churakova (KTH):  “Generation of Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange (VEX) reports tailored specifically for containers

Rikard Höglund (RISE) “Method for Adaptive Robustness to Denial-of-Service Attacks in Internet of Things Devices

Rohon Kundu (Lund University): “A Comprehensive Robustness Analysis of Storj DCS Under Coordinated DDoS Attack

15:20-15:45: Coffee Break with Cake

15:45-16:30: PhD student presentations/discussion – Session III

AI and Cybersecurity (Moderator: Mikael Asplund)

Sonakshi Garg (Umeå University): “Optimizing Inference Time in Private Learning of Large Language Models

Zhou Zhou (Umeå University): “Securing Serverless Edge AI for the Cloud-Edge Continuum

Mohamed Hashim Changrampadi (Chalmers): “Context-aware pre-trained model                      for intrusion detection systems

16:30-16:35 Short Break

16:35 – 17:20 PhD student presentations/discussion – Session IV

Crypto & Protocols (Moderator: André Teixeria)

Adrian Perez Keilty (Chalmers) “AmorE: Amortized Efficiency for Pairing Delegation

Denis Nabokov (Lund University): “Key Recovery Attacks on Approximate Homomorphic Encryption with Non-Worst-Case Noise Flooding Countermeasures

Navya Sivaraman (LiU): “Formal analysis of Julia Key Agreement protocol

18:00: Social event – Meeting at Domkyrkan

Tuesday, 28th May 2024:

8:45-9:45 PhD student presentations/discussion – Session V

Privacy, PETS & Authentication (Moderator: Ella Kolkowska)

Piero Romare (Chalmers): “Privacy Profiles for Enhanced Privacy Permission Management in Trigger-Action Platforms

Samuel Wairimu (KAU): “On the Evaluation of Privacy Impact Assessment and Privacy Risk Assessment Methodologies: A Systematic Literature Review

Madhi Akil (KAU): “Privacy-Preserving Vehicle Renting in VANETs

Sujash Naskar (Mid Sweden University): “Distributed Authentication in Decentralized VANETS

9:45-10:15 Poster pitches  – 2-3 min each (Moderator: Paul Stankovsky Wagner)

10:15-11:30 Poster session (coffee is served)

11:30-12:00: Christian Gehrmann (Lund University) – invited talk (Moderator: Qian Guo)

12:00-12:30 PhD student presentations/discussion – Session VI

Hardware Security & TEEs (Moderator: Simin Nadjm-Tehrani)

Asrin Abdollahi (RISE, Mälardalens University (MDU)): “Building a Secure Open-Source Hardware Architecture with Trusted  Execution Environments (TEEs)

Marcus Birgersson (KTH): “Formally verified and upgradable trusted functions

12:30-13:30: Lunch

13:30 – 14:30 PhD student presentations/discussion – Session VI

Network Security (Moderator: Magnus Almgren)

Arlette Houndji (RISE & KAU): “Cybersecurity in 6G Satellite Communication

Johannes Olegård (Stockholm University): “When is logging sufficient?”

Jonathan Magnusson (KAU): “Fingerprinting DNS Resolvers using Query Patterns from QNAMEMinimization

Marcus Dansarie (FHS & Skövde University): ”Security Aspects of TETRA Networks in Sweden: Preliminary results from a case study

14:30-14:50 Summing up & Outlook

14:50 Coffee, Farewell