Co-creating parties and target group
- The fact that top experts, managers from the stakeholder organisations and even local mayor got involved in the steering committee of the pilot gave it higher legitimacy and status.
- Asking the concerned people in the neighborhood to identify the issues for their co-creative engagement.
- The attitude of the public sector organisations and professionals when working of the neighborhood has been essential to gain trust and support for the pilot.
There are underlying issues that challenge the collaborative co-creation and building of trust.
- Issues related to super diversity that means people in the Plantsoen neighbourhood come from many different horizons and cultures that involves language and cultural barriers between them and with the Dutch society and results in a lack of social cohesion. There is a relatively high percentage of ‘new-comers’, a low amount of community organizations and associations, multiple problems within one household (e.g. debts, educational problems of kids, delinquency, etc.).
- The fact that some municipal services have become standardized due to large-scale solutions and efficiency gains reduces local influence.
- When inhabitants are not yet willing to take responsibility for the project. When they would express their individual viewpoints or grievances and/or would point at the municipality (and professionals) expecting that they would undertake the actions and find solutions for them.