Cosie-MOOC certificate

This particular course it is built on the idea of training a reflective practitioner.

Reflexivity and being able to value the information in a critical way is key to better understand co-creation.

Our aim is to allow you as students opportunities to reflect upon the findings in the project in relation to your own situation and context by problematizing them. You are encouraged to compare and contrast between pilots but also give critical comments contrasting practice and theory.

  • For this purpose we attempted to illustrate all ten co-creation pilots addressing different social needs in a concise and understandable way. You are expected to be selective of what is most relevant for your own situations and contexts. Given the variety of cases and country contexts we assume that you may identify at least one or two cases of particular interest.
  • We provide instructive videos to guide you in your reflections and comparisons to personalize the content as much as possible.
  • We also offer a series of short video conversations among researchers and practitioners involved in the project. These videos address and problematize general conceptual and theoretical issues derived from our findings in CoSIE.

Without any allocated teacher resource to assess your learning outcomes of the course we instead provide possibilities to gather your reflections or self-assessment under the section “Student portfolio” for takeout – to share with your peers in co-creation or a potential employer.

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