Best Practice Unione Pedemontana Parmense (UPP)

In the Transit project we decided to highlight two best, or good, practices that have been implemented, or was about to be implemented, that we want to share with a broader audience. Our intention is to present a set of practices, practically usable in different context and different time. As the partner organisations in Transit differ contextually, we assume that potential students that engage in our e-learning modules also are active in different contexts. Please. enjoy, be critical, and reflect upon whether this set of practices could inspire you for actions and support towards a better future.

UPP presented one practice to promote sustainable mobility that they have tested and found working; Piedibus.

Piedibus ia an activity were volunteers take children to and back from school on foot, following safe pedestrian paths; Thanks to technology, Piedibus can be also“Smart”. Children are provided with a Bluetooth device that record the distance and an app transformed it into a virtual journey.

Everyday a lot of cars travel to take children to and from schools. They produce traffic jam and pollution. Moreover, streets around schools are often unsafe. Piedibus reduces the number of cars and therefore emissions and increasing safety; educate children to respect the environment; foster socialization, helping to prevent bullying; tackle childhood obesity thanks to exercise. In this activity volunteers take children to and back from school on foot, following predetermined and safe pedestrian paths.
Paths are divided in different “Piedibus lines”, identified by different colors (yellow, red etc.) with stops in areas from where it is possible to go to school. “Passengers” wear a bib with the color of their line. Some children, taken by parents, jump on the bus at the first stop, while others “get on” the Piedibus along the path. Every
line is driven at least by two volunteers: one leads it, the other closes.

Every municipality promotes the service among families, with a communication plan and events to honor volunteers and children who travel by Piedibus. It provides
bibs, insurance for volunteers, gadgets and awards for pupils (for example pencils, pens, exercise books and markers). Municipalities set up lines, and a communication plan for families and pupils, involved associations, and provide training course for volunteers. Volunteers and associations have to take care of children and take them safely to school. Families have to join the project, filling an enrollment form, and take their kids to the Piedibus stops.

Piedibus is promoted by the municipalities with the help of testimonials (for example, famous sports champions). Municipalities realizes also leaflets, and distribute them
among pupils and their families, events, gadgets, exercise book covers for children, to invite to get the Piedibus or reward who already travel by it.

If this activity interest you, please read more in the Background analysis.

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