Welcome to the Transit theoretical module on why and how to raise awareness among citizens towards sustainable mobility and how to create a change in behavior. In Part 1, you will find two conversations between experts on the matter of the need for sustainable mobility. In Part 2, you will find three element on how to create behavioral change. First, a conversation among internationally recognized researchers from Karlstad University on behavioral change related to sustainable mobility. In this conversations, we also included our partner from Karlstad municipality, in order to connect theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Second, you will find a series of lectures given by our experts from Ecocity in Athens. These lectures help us to understand in more detail how citizens may change behavior from a psychological perspective. The third element is a set of PowerPoint and video presentation from the partners, where they answer to a set of similar questions.

Part 1: Sustainable Mobility (Why? Who will benefit?)

Part 2: Making cycling attractive (How?)

Part 3: Cooperating towards cycle friendly mobility culture (How?)

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