An interview with professor Thanos Vlastos on how to overcome obstacles and advises on the way forward.

In this section you will find an interview with professor Thanos Vlastos. With his vast experience as an expert in promoting bicycling in Greece, he give interesting reflections of how to work in the field of sustainable mobility as an expert.

Please reflect in relation to your context:

We all know that infrastructural investments cost time and money. We need to fins cost-effective ways to support behavioral change. For many European cities and villages, safety issue is very important. To take the bicycle is often something that people find risky. How can you make citizens feel more safe without investing a lot of money in special bicycle lanes?

Approaches to overcome obstacles

As invited as experts to the government ministry 20 years ago they encounter some difficulties. An important aspect to promote bicycling concerns the safety for the persons that will use the bike. This is particularly an issue for Athens. However, investments in infrastructural projects, like widening sidewalks, cost money and takes time. “We need to find faster ways to promote bicycling”. Listen to how they try to overcome these obstacles, and the importance of having political leadership onboard.

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Advice’s for civil servants and associations

Knowledge and information about sustainable mobility is the most important advice to civil servants and environmental association working with promoting bicycling. Promoting bicycling need a long-term process and be included in all thinking about transport. Close cooperation and support from politicians and planners are vital. Also trying to discuss these issue with ordinary people, building advocacy alliances, and put bicycling high up om the agenda.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Advantages of traditional cities

“Is it possible for Athens to become a 15-minute city?” Cities in Greece differ to some extent from other European cities. They still have small shops scattered around the city. Still Greek societies don’t embrace the idea of large supermarkets. Unconsciously we have adopted the idea of a compact city. That mean that Greek societies have some advantages even though the mentality to use the bike has not prevailed yet.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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