Författare: Ali Mohammadi
Institution/enhet: Institutionen för ingenjörs- och kemivetenskaper
Ämne: Miljö- och energisystem

This study was carried out based on reviewing the published pedagogical studies [1-5] as well as the own experiences of the author in online-teaching of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)-based courses to determine challenges and advantages in digital learning of these types of courses. The results from this review showed that digital courses can become more interesting and motivational for a large group of students while can potentially address learning outcomes and prepare the students for advanced LCA works in both research and education activities. At the advanced level, it could be more efficient if LCA courses are developed according to each topic since the LCA approach can be applied to various topics and they may pursue different learning outcomes. For instance, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems, “sustainability competences” might be in focus where the students need to act as decision-makers following graduation [2], while in Construction Engineering, more attention might be paid on the methods, materials and tools [4]. Teaching LCA-tools through online platforms may also be a challenge since access to the lab-equipment becomes limited. Therefore, designing a blended learning environment is recommended for teaching and learning LCA at the advanced level.

Keywords: Pedagogical studies, Methods and tools, Blended learning environment,Advanced LCA


[1] Cosme N, Hauschild MZ, Molin C, Rosenbaum RK, Laurent A. Learning-by-doing: experience from 20 years of teaching LCA to future engineers. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2019;24(3):553-65.

[2] Mälkki H, Alanne K. An overview of life cycle assessment (LCA) and research-based teaching in renewable and sustainable energy education. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017;69:218-31.

[3] Masanet E, Chang Y, Yao Y, Briam R, Huang R. Reflections on a massive open online life cycle assessment course. The International Journal of Life cycle Assessment. 2014;19(12):1901-7.

[4] Lin K, Levan A, Dossick C. Teaching life-cycle thinking in construction materials and methods: evaluation of and deployment strategies for life-cycle assessment in construction engineering and management education. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 2012;138(3):163-70.

[5] Viere T, Amor B, Berger N, Fanous RD, Arduin RH, Keller R, et al. Teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2021;26(3):511-27.