Författare: Carolina Camén
Institution/enhet: Handelshögskolan
Ämne: Företagsekonomi

Exams are something that continuously are discussed in order to meet and test learning outcomes. In many of our courses, a written exam in the end of the course is used, but there are many other ways to do exams. In the master course “Advanced service management”, we use four different forms of exams, where poster exhibition is one. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to redesign how to perform the traditional physical poster exhibitions in a digital way, at the same time, as we wanted to retain the learning outcomes and contribute to lifelong learning processes.

The presentation reflects how the course was changed, more specific how the digital poster exhibition was turned into a digital poster exhibition and how we worked with digital seminars where feed-up, feedback and feed-forward (Hattie & Timperley, 2007) is an important part but also a part of the exams. We share lessons about what is retained in future courses (digital or physical), but above all what knowledge the students themselves believe they have acquired when the course has become even more user centered.

Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). “The Power of Feedback.” Review of Educational Research. 77 (1), 81-112.