Författare: Wibke Straube (1) och Kajsa Knape (2)
Institution/enhet: UPE (1) och Sociala och psykologiska studier (1, 2)
Ämne: Genusvetenskap (1) och psykologi (2)


In this presentation, we would like to present a tool that is regularly discussed in the course Norm-Critical Pedagogy, taught as part of UPE’s curriculum. Pronoun rounds are a tool used to avoid misgender of trans and non-binary students – both by teachers and fellow students – as well as an indicating structure signaling the teachers aim of trans inclusiveness. It is a common item in norm-critical classrooms (e.g. Kumashiro 2000). However, this method isn’t very widespread yet even though the amount of non-binary and trans students is rapidly increasing as well as their experiences of minority stress and mental ill-health due to various experiences of discrimination in and outside academic structures. In this presentation, we would like to present this tool in order to advocate it and illustrate its function and the simplicity of its application.

Wibke will speak from the perspective of the teacher of this course and facilitator of discussions on pronoun rounds, Kaisa will present her learning experience from the NKP course and share her experiences with its application in the psychology program, including challenges and adaptations.


Kumashiro, Kevin. 2000. “Toward a Theory of Anti-Oppressive Education.” Review of Educational Research, 70 (1): 25-53.

Spade, Dean. 2018. “We Still Need Pronoun Go-Rounds”. Available online: http://www.deanspade.net/2018/12/01/we-still-need-pronoun-go-rounds/