Programmet uppdateras löpande
VÅREN 2024
  • Onsdagen den 10 april 13-15 Minna Arvidsson har sitt 50% seminarium. Diskutant är Sofia Nyström, Linköpings Universitet. Mer information kommer.
  • Tisdagen den 14 maj kl 13-15 (3D410/zoom). Postdoktor Vera Braun, University of Konstanz presenterar sin forskning:

Biographies of University Dropouts attending Dual Vocational Education and Training in Germany

The dropout rate for Bachelor’s degree programmes in Germany has recently remained relatively steady at 28%. University dropouts are an attractive group for companies recruiting trainees for the dual VET system in Germany as future skilled workers. Due to the advancing academisation, the biographical processing of university dropouts with a subsequent path into vocational education and training is particularly interesting and relevant.

In a preliminary study, I conducted 4 narrative biographical interviews with university dropouts who were completing or had completed a dual commercial vocational training programme after dropping out from university. The initial goal is to flesh out the research question and then find international research partners to work on the topic from a comparative perspective.

An initial preliminary analysis shows that uncertainty, a certain insecurity about oneself is a central variable for the participants in different ways, which had an impact on their educational biographies. It has its roots in difficult family situations and language difficulties in elementary school. Current in-depth systematic analyses based on Schütze and the Grounded Theory Methodology provide results in more detail which I am going to present as far as available.


Forskarseminariet för yrkesutbildning och yrkeslärarutbildning vid Karlstads universitet samlar forskare, doktorander, lärarutbildare och verksamma lärare med intresse för forskning om olika aspekter av yrkesutbildning och yrkeslärarutbildning. Syftet är att dela och diskutera forskning inom fältet för att på så vis bättre förankra dessa utbildningar i forskning


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