Legally secure examination and Artificial Intelligence

“As AI tools are increasingly used, our educational institutions and the way we conduct examinations are being challenged. At the same time, we need to educate our students so that they can use these new tools in the best possible way. In this special issue of the journal Högskolepedagogisk debatt, the relationship between legally secure examinations and AI is highlighted. In the introduction, Anders Eklöf & Lars-Erik Nilsson from HKR write, ‘There are no given answers, so it is set for us to become the kind of knowledge organizations we are meant to be – inquisitive, unpretentious, and open to debate on how AI applications can be used in almost all aspects of our operations in a defensible manner.'”

Notice that the pdf it´s only written in Swedish! Download and read Högskolepedagogisk debatt: Rättssäker examination och artificiell intelligens. Johan Landgren, Anders Eklöf & Lars-Erik Nilsson (Red.) (2024) Kristianstad University Press

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