Tips: Hybrid examination as a strategy to get more students to finish

Students were offered to do small assignments during the course. These assignments gave them extra points at the final examination. The purpose was to motivate them to engage in a relatively extensive course literature written in English. It turned out that the more assignments that students did, the better they also scored at the assignments in the final exam. (Swedish only.)

The course was a course module in the course History I. The examination was a hall exam with essay questions from a question bank. The small assignments to work on during the module were voluntary, simple to medium-difficult assignments that could be solved continuously during the course and that could generate up to a third of the score for grade Pass. The students were encouraged to work with the assignments in smaller study groups.

The answers to the small assignments could be submitted continuously and they related to the course content.

A total of 458 students, divided into ten courses, were included in the study. There is a positive relationship between the number of small assignments solved and exam results: The more small assignments that have been completed, the higher the results on the exam questions.

Fler vägar till G. Hybridexamination som strategi för att få fler studenter i mål (More paths to Hybrid examination as a strategy to get more students to finish)

Presenters: Mikael Svanberg and Daniel Bergh, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences (25 min.) (only in Swedish)

The presentation was held at UPE’s conference Från campus till online 2020 (From campus to online 2020).


Svanberg, M. (2021). Framgångsfaktorer bakom goda tentamensresultat. In N. Jakobsson & C. Vikström (Red.), Bidrag från universitetspedagogisk konferens 2020 (pdf) (Contribution from the University Pedagogical Conference 2020) (p. 53–78). Universitetspedagogiska enheten Karlstads universitet.