Motivation and study

What will make your students engage extra in their studies? How can we, as teachers, influence this?

In this video we are using the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to explain how people – students – react when they are facing a challenging task that requires creativity, conscientiousness and perseverance. Like when you study a university course!

It is about perceiving the opportunity to make a choice on how to participate (self-determination), about being part of a positive social context (relatedness) and about not experiencing helplessness (but rather competence).

Presentator: Tomas Jansson. 14 min. [Swedish langage]

In two following videos we continue to first sketch out four principles to apply when you design an effective learning environment online (Effective learning environment online [only in Swedish]), and lastly we present a Canvas Course Template that is built around the four principles. [The video is in Swedish, but the template is avaliable in both Swedish and English] .