Pedagogical café: To analyze text and scientific articles

The pedagogical café on 29 March 2023 was about students’ lack of habit of reading and understanding academic text.

There were roughly twenty-five interested parties who discussed concerns with students’ lack of habit of reading and understanding academic text. This was the second time this year that the pedagogical café were carried out in hybrid form, i.e. with participants both in the physical room and as participants via Zoom.

There were three main points on the program:

  • The slaughtered article – practice reading scientific articles. Helen Hed, librarian, Umeå University library described how she works practically with student groups in exercises in reading scientific articles:
  • Text analysis and peer-review Mikael Tengberg, professor in pedagogical work, department of educational studies (IPS) at Karlstad University, presented how he and his colleagues works with training their students in text analysis and text feedback.
  • Conversations in small groups Finally the participants were divided into smaller groups where they talked about their experiences, as well as thoughts about the presentations.. We used Padlet to record the group’s experiences. You will find the notes here.

We have gathered a few posts on the topic to analyze text and scientific papers. This is one of them. Click on the link “More about Read academic text” in the right margin, to find all of them.

/Tomas Jansson, UPE