Nedan följer en inbjudan från Stockholms universitet. Redan nu på torsdag är det Hamid Asghari från KaU som presenterar sin forskning via Zoom.
Invitation to Research seminars online
Dear colleagues,
Two of the research seminars of our research group VETYL (Vocational Education & Training/ Yrkeskunnande och Lärande) this spring term 2024 are open to all our network colleagues who might be interested to attend online.
Zoom link:
– 07/02, 13:00-15:00 | ZOOM | Assoc. Professor Hamid Asghari, Karlstad University |
– 17/04, 13.00-16.00 | ZOOM | Prof. Dr. Nicole Kimmelmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
Please disseminate in your research team and network!
Welcome to join us!
All the best,
Lázaro, Marianne & Janne
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