Frameworks and rules for teaching at Karlstad university

Teaching at Karlstad university, a government agency, is regulated locally by policies and rules. These governing documents are harmonized with laws, governances, recommendations and agreements on national and European level. From here, you will find your way to most of the local gouverning documents.

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Frameworks and rules for teaching at a university: National end european level

Teaching at a government agency is regulated nationally by laws, ordinances and recommendations. These are also harmonized with agreements at the European level. From here, you will find your way to most of these.

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As teachers, we need to have access to and handle peoples’ personal information, especially related to our students. We do this in direct form with regard to students’ personal data and we are also responsible for how the students handle personal data when doing course assignments, e. g. when writing essays and doing surveys or interviews. GDPR regulates how we can and should do this.

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