Teaching at a government agency is regulated nationally by laws, ordinances and recommendations. These are also harmonized with agreements at the European level. From here, you will find your way to most of these.
European standards and guidelines
ENQA The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
ENQA. (2015). Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
National frameworks and rules
Swedish Council for Higher Education. Lagar och regler som styr den högre utbildningen (Laws and regulations governing higher education) (only in Swedish).
(A collection page with mainly links on a national level. Below are direct links to some of these.)
SFS 1992:1434. Högskolelag (University Act).
SFS 1993:100. Högskoleförordning (Higher Education Ordinance).
SFS 2008:567 Diskrimineringslag (Discrimination Act).
Ordinance (2002:760) on uppdragsutbildning at universities and colleges (Ordinance on contract education at higher education institutions).
Ordinance (1993:1153) on redovisning av studier m.m. (the reporting of studies etc.) at universities and colleges. (only in Swedish)
And some national recommendation
UKÄ University Chancellor’s Office. (2020). Rättssäker examination (Legal examination) – A guide from the University Chancellor’s Office (Ed. 4). (only in Swedish)
SUHF. Rek. 2016:1. Rekommendationer om mål för behörighetsgivande högskolepedagogisk utbildning samt ömsesidigt erkännande (Recommendations on general learning outcomes for the teaching qualifications required for employment as academic teacher and on mutual recognition (pdf)). SUHF The Association of Swedish Higher Education.