Teaching at Karlstad university, a government agency, is regulated locally by policies and rules. These governing documents are harmonized with laws, governances, recommendations and agreements on national and European level. From here, you will find your way to most of the local gouverning documents.
Local frameworks and rules
Most local policies, rules, and more can be found in Inslaget (the KAU intranet), Universitet (the university), Styrdokument (governing documents), Utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (education at the undergraduate and advanced level). Here are some of these:
KAU. Regler för utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Karlstads universitet (Rules for education at undergraduate and advanced level at Karlstad University). (only in Swedish)
KAU. Råd och anvisningar för hantering av disciplinärenden (pdf) (Advice and instructions for handling disciplinary matters). (only in Swedish)
KAU. Policy för studentinflytande vid Karlstads universitet (pdf) (Policy for student influence at Karlstad University). (only in Swedish)
KAU. Åtgärdsprogram vid diskriminering, trakasserier och annan kränkande behandling (pdf) (Action program for discrimination, harassment and other abusive treatment). (only in Swedish)
KAU. Quality and quality work. (See Inslaget > Utbildning > Kvalitet och kvalitetsarbete)
Furthermore two more local resources:
- KAU. Instructions on how to write a syllabus.
- The University Library’s page on plagiarism.