Tips: Better technical drawing with peer review

Mikael Åsberg shares a scheme where future machine engineers trains each other in technical drawing. A system with controlled peer review provides less correction work for the teacher, more time with the students for dialogue and reflection and better quality of the students’ drawings. And the scheme is useful far beyond the subject of technical drawing!

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Giving feedback on poor writing: How do you approach it?

It can be difficult to criticise someone’s writing. And perhaps even more difficult to be at the receiving end. And it will not be made easier if it concerns a course that does not revolve around language at all. Here is some advice on how to increase the chances of successful feedback.

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Pedagogical café: Discussing language difficulties with students

In the pedagogical conversation with UPE under the heading “How do you discuss language difficulties with students?” in Zoom 17 May 2022, over 60 members of teaching staff gathered to discuss students’ language difficulties and how it affects teaching.

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Tips: Support matrices to identify where students need help

Support matrices is a digital tool that helps students to keep track of their progress in sections of a course that include exercise or training tasks and which also helps the teacher to identify tasks that cause difficulties in the student group. In this way, the teacher can adapt the teaching so that the focus ends up where it does the most good.

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Tips: Careless essays with “formal errors”

Examining essays create troublesome extra work for tutors and examiners when the essay is carelessly proofread, with formal errors of various kinds. Here is an example of how to use a checklist to support students’ proofreading, reduce extra work for the teacher and get better essays.

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