Cheating: Make cheating difficult

Make it difficult to cheat. There is hardly any one single solution that makes it impossible to cheat, but you may at least make it difficult for the person who is tempted by implementing several combined arrangements.

Construct questions that are difficult to plagiarize

First and foremost, it is important to construct the questions wisely. Ask questions that require open answers. Vary the questions so that you can give different students different versions of equivalent assignments in the same exam.

Use time windows

Another measure is the use of time windows for home exams so that the time for the exam roughly corresponds to the time it would have been with the exam on campus.

The Canvas Quiz function also provides a number of opportunities that make cheating more difficult. Two of these are really simple and general: Limit the time window when the quiz can be completed (e. g. 9-12). Limit the time for the quiz itself (e. g. 20 minutes).

Mix and give mixed questions

But there is more. Canvas Quiz offers many more features that make cheating difficult, e. g. by random selection of questions for each individual student, random order between the alternative answers in multiple choice questions, etc..

  • Using Canvas [only in Swedish]
    UPE has good teacher manuals for how to use Quiz tools in Canvas. (See Kom igång med quizzar in the table of contents!).