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tomajans – Page 2 – Keep on teaching!

Reading instructions for students? When and how?

If you arrive at university fresh out of upper secondary school or after several years in working life, it can be difficult to approach the task of reading large quantities of text. How would you – the teacher – describe your target group? Do they need the support of reading instructions and study techniques?

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Pedagogical café: Discussing language difficulties with students

In the pedagogical conversation with UPE under the heading “How do you discuss language difficulties with students?” in Zoom 17 May 2022, over 60 members of teaching staff gathered to discuss students’ language difficulties and how it affects teaching.

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Lessons in hybrid form: Students both in the room and online

Campus teaching with some of the students present online – hybrid teaching – is very demanding for the teacher. But if you are up to the challenge, here are some advice on what to consider.

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Frameworks and rules for teaching at Karlstad university

Teaching at Karlstad university, a government agency, is regulated locally by policies and rules. These governing documents are harmonized with laws, governances, recommendations and agreements on national and European level. From here, you will find your way to most of the local gouverning documents.

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