Story: From exam in exam hall to digital “open book” examination

The story of an urgent relocation of hall exams to home exams in Chemistry during the pandemic in the spring of 2020. Video, 22 min. Swedish language.

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Story: Planned on-campus courses off-campus

The story of challenges and solutions during an urgent reorganization of an on-campus course in Informatics to off-campus during the pandemic in the spring of 2020. (Video, 28 mins., Swedish language.)

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Canvas: Pick up exams online

Set up a specific Canvas course page to be used for all pick up exams in a course or in a program. It helps you to keep track of all the students that show up to complete their missing exam assignments long after the regular exam opportunity or resits. Here is how to do it.

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Canvas template course

In this short video, we will show you around in a template course homepage for Canvas that is designed based on good pedagogical principles. You can “download” the template from Canvas Commons directly from your course shell.
(Video, 9 mins. Only Swedish)

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Cheating: Plagiarism control in Canvas

When students submit written assignments in Canvas, they should be checked for plagiarism. The Canvas tutorial includes instructions on how to activate plagiarism control and how you as a teacher can monitor and use the results of the automatic control.

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