Tips: Support matrices to identify where students need help

Support matrices is a digital tool that helps students to keep track of their progress in sections of a course that include exercise or training tasks and which also helps the teacher to identify tasks that cause difficulties in the student group. In this way, the teacher can adapt the teaching so that the focus ends up where it does the most good.

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Tips: Assessment matrices for grades in laboratory elements

It is difficult to assess laboratory elements and oral examinations in a practically manageable and legally secure manner. Traditionally, the assessment criterion for laboratory elements has only been a requirement for active participation, while the written laboratory report is what is graded. Thus, the practical part is in principle not grade-based, despite the fact that laboratory skills and procedural knowledge may be a central part of the subject content. In this project, the teachers have investigated whether assessment matrices can be a way to make these elements assessable.

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Story: Convert hall exams to online with Quiz

With the Canvas Quiz-function, the previous hall exam form has been replaced by multiple-choice and essay questions. It is about examination in large student groups. Experiences, challenges and lessons learned from a project in the subject Business Administration. (Video, 26 min., only in Swedish)

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Story: Follow a distance student

The project Follow a distance student followed students who took distance education during the pandemic in the spring semester 2020 and mapped their experiences and needs. The goal was to be able to develop pedagogy and technical pedagogical aids in distance education during the autumn term 2020. The students’ experiences were about loneliness, swaying technology and the distance form itself. (Video, 45 mins., Swedish language).
A survey performed by Karlstad’s student union about student experiences during the pandemic is also reported.

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Tips: Hybrid examination as a strategy to get more students to finish

Students were offered to do small assignments during the course. These assignments gave them extra points at the final examination. The purpose was to motivate them to engage in a relatively extensive course literature written in English. It turned out that the more assignments that students did, the better they also scored at the assignments in the final exam. (Swedish only.)

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Story: Multimodal logbook at VFU for better teacher-student contact

In the vocational teacher education, students at their VFU (Placement) have kept a multimodal digital logbook about some pre-determined assignments that are related to the course objectives. The assignments were about mind maps, assessment matrix and tripartite conversations, i. e. three different forms of reflection. (Video, 24 min., only in Swedish)

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Tips: When students don’t study until the take-home exam

In take-home exams, students are sometimes given a relatively long time to complete it, e. g. several days. Some students take the chance of being able to pass the exam assignments by searching the literature and reading just the minimum needed to pass the direct exam questions.

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