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Course material – Keep on teaching!

Course material

It is about schedule, literature, teacher instructions, student instructions, examination assignments, etc. It includes designing a course homepage in the course platform (Canvas) and selecting and preparing other tools that will be needed. How do you create course materials and what do you need to consider? How do you present the course material to the students? How do you integrate external resources?

Canvas template course

In this short video, we will show you around in a template course homepage for Canvas that is designed based on good pedagogical principles. You can “download” the template from Canvas Commons directly from your course shell. (Video, 9 mins. Only Swedish)

Checklist for a good course website in Canvas

This is a checklist for you who are a course leader/teacher in a university course with a website in Canvas. It is based on robust principles for what a good study environment for students should look like and it also makes life easier for you, the teacher. Use it to check that you do not […]

E-books and e-journals

Karlstad University Library has access to books and journals in electronic format. How does it work? How can I link to e-resources?

ICT: Record video

Kau has access to several alternative tools for video recording. All works when you record directly at your computer.

ICT: Store files

KAU has two tools for storing files: Box for general file storage and KauPlay for storing videos.

ICT: Subtitling of video

The law on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services (DOS law) stipulates that all films and videos used in the university’s education must be subtitled. You can get support to fulfill this requirement.

ICT: Web in teaching with Sola@Kau

On the Sola@Kau website (sola.kau.se) you or your students can easily create and shape your very own website, e. g. a reflection page, blog, portfolio or similar that fits in your course context.

Talking books!

It’s about books in audio format. Students with some form of reading impairment due to, for example, dyslexia, ADHD or visual impairment, have the right to borrow course literature in audio format.

Tips: How to record in Zoom

In less than 5 minutes, Åsa Kronkvist at Kristianstad University teach you the basics of recording in Zoom.

Tips: Organizing documents in Canvas

Here are some concrete, practical tips on how to use the features of Canvas to disseminate instructions and other material in a structured way. You save time, make it easier to reuse course material, make it easier to collaborate with colleagues. And above all: You make life easier for the students!

Tips: Overview per week

A picture is worth a thousand words. Make a simple overview picture that presents what will happen during the course.

Tips: Record yourself

Recording a lecture film is not the same as lecturing in a physical classroom on campus. And now we are not talking about the technical aspects, with camera, microphone, handling video files, etc., but about how you need act in the lecture. Here are seven solid tips.